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Monday, 21 July 2014

Warm weather and Pets

This warm weather certainly seems to be on-going.  To some people this is great news especially if you  are on holiday, however what about our pets?. 

Remember in hot weather pets feel the heat much more than we do, so think of a few simple things:

  • Walk your dog early or late on to avoid the heat of the day
  • Allow your dog to swim in a pond, providing it is clean! *
  • Make sure your dog has plenty of water
  • If you are going out for the day, try closing some of the curtains in your house, as this can reduce heat
  • If you dog is suffering from the heat, place them in a cool room and monitor them
  • If you have a rabbit or guinea pig, make sure their hutch is out of the sun and again provide plenty of water and if possible let them have the use of an outdoor run, provided it is protected by the sun and predators

Some pets can go off their food in warm temperatures, therefore if you feed canned food make sure any food that is not eaten straight away removed.

Animals can also behave differently in the heat so try not to allow them to become stressed. 

Basically it is a lot to do with common sense, but most of all we need to ensure that our pets are closely monitored during high temperatures and the biggest rule of all is DO NOT LEAVE PETS IN HOT CARS  if you have to go out and the visit does not involve a trip to the vet, then please leave your pet at home.

During hot weather you may wish to allow your dog to swim in the local pond however, be aware of BLUE-GREEN ALGAE this is highly toxic to your dog and the obvious sign of the pond that has this, is the bluish-green algae that is abundant.  The signs  your dog will demonstrate if allowed to swim in this pond are:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Blood in stool or black, tarry stool
  • Pale mucous membranes
  • Jaundice
  • Seizures
  • Disorientation
  • Coma
  • Shock
  • Excessive secretions (e.g., salivation, lacrimation, etc.)
  • Neurologic signs (including muscle tremors, muscle rigidity, paralysis, etc.)
  • Blue discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Death
If you dog has swam in a pond with this, and is showing the above signs, please take to your veterinary surgeon immediately

Lorraine - Vet Nurse Direct