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Saturday, 18 October 2014

September & October Newsletter

Vet Nurse Direct

September & October Newsletter

We have been very busy since our last newsletter, hence we are combining both September and October.

Our current updates:
·         We have acquired several new lovely clients who require our services  ranging from dog walking  to in house specialist veterinary nursing treatments
·         We are in the November edition of Lancashire Life
·         We have added new products to our shop
·         Getting more likes to our facebook page
·         More hits to our website

As the nights are starting to draw in L we now have the daunting prospect of bonfire night looming.  As we all know fireworks are stressful to our pets and these can be heard well before bonfire night. In order to ensure both you and your pet relaxed and calm during these moments then please try to follow these guidelines and remember to start planning BEFORE bonfire night, as this will give you chance to get your pet acclimatised before the night in question.

Top tips:
Keeping cats and dogs secure
• Make sure your dog or cat always has somewhere to hide if they want and they have access to this place at all times. Place their favourite toys or familiar items with smells on them so your pet feels more secure and safe in their hideaway.
• During firework seasons, walk dogs during daylight hours and keep cats and dogs indoors when fireworks are likely to be set off.
• At nightfall close windows and curtains and put on music to mask and muffle the sound of fireworks.
• If your pet shows any signs of fear try to ignore their behaviour.
Leave them alone unless they are likely to harm themselves.
• Never punish or fuss over your pet when it's scared as this will only make things worse in the long run.
• Make sure your cat or dog is always kept in a safe and secure environment and can’t escape if there’s a sudden noise. Have your pet microchipped in case they do escape.
Before the firework season starts (Dogs)
Planning ahead can help your dog cope with the firework season.
Talk to your vet about pheromone diffusers. These disperse calming chemicals into the room and may be a good option for your dog,
When the fireworks start
• Close any windows and black out the ‘doggy play area’ to remove any extra problems caused by flashing lights.
• Each evening before the fireworks begin, move your dog to their
play area and provide toys and other things that they enjoy. Make sure that there are things for you to do too so that your dog isn't left alone.
• Ignore the firework noises yourself. Play with a toy to see if your dog wants to join in, but don’t force them to play.
• If you know a dog that isn't scared by noises and which gets on well with your dog, then keeping the two together during the evenings may help your dog to realise that there’s no need to be afraid.
• Make sure your cat has somewhere to hide if it wants to. For example this may be under some furniture or in a quiet corner.
• Don’t try and tempt your cat out as this will cause it to become more stressed.
Don’t forget small animals
• If your pets live outside, partly cover cages, pens and aviaries with blankets so that one area is well sound-proofed. Make sure that your pet is still able to look out.
• Provide lots of extra bedding so your pet has something to burrow

There are a range of products on the market to assist both you and your pet during this stressful time, and in order to enable you to enjoy the fireworks we are now stocking zylekene,which is a natural product designed to help your pets remain calm and relaxed during stressful events.

If you require any of our services please feel free to email us: lorraine@vetnursedirect.co.uk 

or telephone:

Paul – 07411 671971
Lorraine – 07411 545254