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Tuesday, 8 July 2014

July Newsletter

Vet Nurse Direct

News Letter July 2014

Well things are certainly moving along since our last newsletter we have been mentioned in the Veterinary Nursing times and our first edition of our column has been produced in Over the Counter, a regular journal for all those involved in the supply and retail of veterinary medicines.

We have been granted internet approval form the Veterinary Medicines Directorate J a lot of hard work went into achieving this approval, but now well worth it.
We have decided to include a topic in each of our news letters to focus on the welfare of our animals for our first topic we are going to discuss dental hygiene.  Now, we know that we humans attend regular check up’s at our dentist but, how often do you check your pets teeth!!

What many people do not realise that pets have their own set of problems when it comes to dental care. One of the main culprits is plaque and tartar. Now, do you know the difference between them both? 

·         Plaque is a mass of bacteria that is mixed with blood cells, saliva and other bacterial components which left will lead to tooth and gum disease. The appearance often looks like a yellow stain.
·         Tartar occurs when the plaque becomes mineralised causing the plaque to become hard which then attached quite firmly to the tooth enamel

So, how do you know if your pet has problems with dental hygiene?

Firstly your pet may have halitosis (foul breath) and be demonstrating signs of pain which include pawing at the mouth and difficulty in eating also they may dribble a lot which may contain a small amount of blood. 

If you continue to ignore these simple signs your pet may go on to develop gum diseases, painful abscesses and problems within the tooth. A serious issue of dental problems can occur in advanced cases where the bacteria can get into the blood stream and cause problems with the liver, heart and kidneys.
Okay so what are you going to do about it?

First of all make sure you check your pet’s teeth regularly and if you suspect your pet is having problems take to the vet and ask them to have a good look in the mouth. Some pets do not like having their teeth and gums examined and in some cases it may be necessary for the vet to administer a mild sedative or to admit them into the practice so they can have an anaesthetic were they can have a good look in the mouth and if there are any problems for example tartar build up or teeth that need extracting then it can be done.

Regular tooth brushing is also recommended as this will help to control any build-up of plaque. DO NOT USE human toothpaste as there are ingredient’s in there that ARE NOT suitable for animals, do don’t go out and buy Colegates fresh mint toothpaste!!! 
You can buy special toothbrushes that are designed for pets so don’t use your sonic toothbrush on your pet!!.

If you are not sure how to brush your pets teeth have a browse at the images below or go onto you tube there are lots of videos on there to show you how to do it, or just ask your vet nurse at your practice.

If you feel that you are not able to brush your  pets teeth, then give us a call and we will come out and show you, we can also provide you with dental toothpaste and brushes for your pet J

In the meantime don’t forget if you require any of our services please get in touch and we will be more than happy to discuss your requirements.

Tel: 07411 545254  (Lorraine)

Tel: 07411 671971   (Paul)